*Coach Bre's guidelines, maybe more than CDC request, but never under.

COVID-19 Procedures

Participating in Coach Bre Cottage activities, Instructors could ask whether participants are currently exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. If a cheerleader/coach does have symptoms, they will be unable to enter premises until they have had no fever for at least 48 hours, other symptoms have improved, at least 5 days have passed since their symptoms first appeared, and after afebrile and feeling well (without fever - reducing medication) for at least 48 hours. Or, cheerleader/coach has had 1 negative COVID-19 test in with testing done at least 48 hours since first symptoms.

IF CHEERLEADERS HAVE ALERGIES, AND ARE SNEEZING OR COUGHING, THEY WILL BE ASKED TO WEAR A MASK. (currently mask are optional and we will revisit every 2 to 3 months)


*Cleaning and disinfecting of facilities will be in compliance with CDC guidelines.
*Inside building, all participants, athletes and coaches will wear mask
*Outdoors mask can be removed (except for cheer stunts)
*Hand sanitizer required when entering the building
*Temperature checks when entering the building (ended 6/21)
*Use of hand sanitizer between stations
*Bring own source of water
*No Spectators 

Possible Symptoms of Covid-19

Fever (100.4 or above) Chills, Cough, Shortness of breath, Fatigue, Muscle or Body Aches, Headache, New Loss Of Taste Or Smell, Sore Throat, Congestion Or Runny Nose, Nausea or Vomiting, Diarrhea

Sorry if you feel you do not have COVID-19; for now we will treat all symptoms the same

*mask is required, FOR ANYONE WITH SYMPTOMS Coach Bre Sales $2 dollar disposable mask.. (if mask is given at the door to cheerleaders, price will be billed to your invoice)

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